Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thinking back

I go back to my posts once in awhile and look at comments. There is a post that seemed to have a new comment. So I read it. It kind of took me by suprise. There is one post on this blog where I admit my darkest times. I did that for the benefit of myself, seeing and typing those words make me realize what I have been through and in some way to benefit others that read my blog. IN NO WAY AM I ENCOURAGING SUICIDE ON MY BLOG. I hope that people recognize that rather than be ashamed if they have these types of thoughts they should seek help. I also hope that over time, my posts will show that I am not as angry and sad, and people can see that there are very bad times, but things slowly get better. If people want to truly understand what I have been through, I have to admit to my feelings. So I admit to having these quick fleeing thoughts, I have never actually acted on the thoughts. They have sometimes popped in my head, and then they are gone. I hate them, I hate that I have ever had any of the thoughts, but I have and it is part of the process so that is why they are written here. I could never leave my husband and daughter so selfishly as doing something like committing suicide, and they are my beautiful support that reminds me everyday that I have things to celebrate. Will's death was just a very hard experience that I am working through. I have never had a real plan for any of the thoughts. So I hope no one has every worried about me, I am doing what I need to do to get through this horrific time in my life. I would have to look back and see if I have previously posted this anywhere else, but I did go back to the Dr. shortly after losing Will and am on an antidepressant. It was a very hard decision to go on antidepressants, and I feel like I admitted defeat asking for them. Having the quick pop in thoughts was only one of the many reasons that I decided to go on an antidpressant, there were the sleepless nights, the irratability, the hormones going rampant in my body, the overwhelming sadness of my baby dying, not getting answers to why this happend and then thinking I did something to possibly cause this, not being able to focus at work, hmm I think I could go on all day. For those of you that have lost a baby, I am sure that you know what I am talking about. That is great if you got through it with no medication, I could not this time. For those of you that have never lost a baby, or a child you may not understand all of this. It has been quite sometime since I have had any of those fleeing thoughts, probably longer than the day I posted, but again I wanted to be as honest as I can on here, so that includes opening myself up and putting it all on the table. I am typically a very private person, so this journey has been trying at times. I know that I have chosen to put these intimate details out there. I welcome comments to my posts, and I won't always agree with them, but I felt compelled to clarify all of this.


Erica said...

I am glad you are feeling better. I've read your blogs and never thought you were actually hurt yourself... when you are grieving you think about EVERYTHING. I mean, some days, you will think, "I wish I wasn't around..." because you HURT so badly... it is so common. Grieve is a hard road to be on...and takes a long time to get off.

I want to thank you for sharing your feelings. It's good to know you aren't "alone" in the crazy things our minds think about!!

As for the antidepressant, I was on one, and just took myself off, after weaning down. I will worn you though- I was on zoloft and it was no walk in the park to get off of it!!

I'm always here if you need support!

Never forgetting Gregory said...

I don't know the comment you are refering to but I'm very glad you are honest with your feelings on this blog. It helps to know that other mothers are suffering the same was that I am. You can't control the thoughts you have and emotions that you have to deal with. I'm glad this blog is an outlet for you. I know it has been for me.

Kelli said...

Thanks ladies, and I appreciate people that can understand where I am coming from. When I read the comment I thought maybe I was losing it. She wasn't rude, just thought I should seek help. It is nice that people are honest, but I don't know that someone can truly understand one's thoughts until they go through a similar situation. I just wish no one else would ever have to go through the pain we have.

Kate said...

HI Kelli...I came across your site through a comment on my site. I am so sorry about the loss of your baby, Will. I read your words and I know exactly what you are feeling. We delivered our little one Jan 4th 2009, she was 24 weeks old. She too is a baby angel now. Grief is such a tough road, and so personal. I struggle with it everyday. I do take comfort in knowing there are others who understand. Although I wouldn't want another parent to lose their child, I have found it healing to talk to other mothers who have had similar experiences. Grief hurts, depression hurts, losing your own child HURTS! I think getting your feelings out it healthy! Much like the other ladies who commented, blogging has been very helpful. Anyway, I wanted to let you know I am out here, and if you ever need to chat, please feel free to email me or visit Zoe's blog (our daughter). Take care,